
Agio, Inc.

The Challenge

Agio came to us with a challenge — to reposition itself, grow pipeline and awareness post pandemic. They had been quiet for a while and needed to make some serious noise in the marketplace.

The Solution

We unveiled Agio as an entirely new model of IT and cybersecurity support — one where Agio is a proactive partner, helping solve problems before they happen. With our strategic approach, Agio has successfully transformed into a leading name in their industry, offering innovative solutions that push the boundaries of what's possible.

Brand Guide

A well-developed brand guide is an essential tool for establishing brand identity. Agio's new brand identity needed to be delivered consistently across all channels, on and offline. Consistent, cohesive, and most importantly, authentic messaging is critical to establish a strong brand voice that resonates with the audience and builds trust.


We believe in the power of a well-designed website to deliver our client's story and drive business growth. That's why we were thrilled to create a website that not only looked amazing but also delivered results. With its user-friendly design, clear call-to-actions, and engaging content, Agio's new website is helping them connect with their target audience and drive growth.

Marina and Piper are true professionals. They led our organization through a successful rebrand -- from the initial concept development to the final execution, their attention to detail and innovative approach were unmatched. They have experience, creativity, commitment and pure talent and I look forward to working with them in the future.

Christine Detris | Director of Content, Agio

Marketing Campaign

We doubled down with a manifesto announcement to hit all communications.

The best IT support and security brings the cutting edge to the present day, fusing technology and humanity to uncover an entirely new way of imagining risks, preventing them, and unlocking performance.

Agio is the strength and security that sits at the center of a company’s success, touching every facet of the organization.

We ran a multi-legged marketing campaign that included the following:

  • Video
  • Blog Post
  • Social Media
  • Paid Media
  • Press
Agio-case-study_Agio 2.0 screen

In today's fast-paced world, a powerful video can be the difference between being heard and being overlooked. We created a video for Agio that helped position them as a proactive problem-solver and connect with a modern audience. Through a combination of stunning visuals and captivating storytelling, we helped Agio showcase their unique value proposition.


Press coverage was a vital component to establish Agio in the marketplace. It was an opportunity to get Agio in front of a broad audience and increase credibility, trust, and recognition.

Pieces of coverage
Online Readership
0 M
Est. Online Views
0 M

Employee Engagement

A company's brand is so much more than a logo, tagline, and marketing materials. It's the people who work there, the culture they create, and the relationships they build. We were committed to creating unique swag that not only looked great but also fostered a sense of pride and community among employees. In addition to promoting the brand transition, our swag also helped Agio employees celebrate various milestones. We designed custom items for events such as company anniversaries, product launches, and employee recognition ceremonies.

General Presentation

As a part of our original strategy work, one of our immediate deliverables coming out of the Brand Guide was a General Presentation. These slides can be adjusted to serve as a powerful and versatile tool to increase revenue and sales prospect pipeline.

And the results are in...

Our strategic 360° rebrand and targeted marketing campaign helped Agio generate impressive results in 12 months. With a steady stream of new leads and a strengthened brand presence, Agio is better positioned for continued success.

0 K
New Users
0 K
Website Sessions
0 K
Form Fills

Organic Traffic

in 12 months

SEO Keywords

in 12 months

Domain Ranking

in 12 months

Conversion Rate

Over the previous year

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Delivering high-quality projects for international clients. Ask us about digital, branding and storytelling.