Bloom Health Partners

The Challenge

Bloom Health Partners was born in the midst of the pandemic as a mobile Covid testing solution that provides flexible, fast, and mobile covid testing for TV, film productions, and schools. As Covid testing mandates declined, they needed to both maximize current sales potential and reposition the company for future growth.

They were looking to set themselves up for investor funding to support a transition to a connected health company to work with factories and theme parks and industrial parks where private health facilities are of value.

The Solution

With a hybrid model of strategy / PR support, we leaned into the story of innovation and emotional connection of Bloom Health as a hometown hero explaining how Bloom Health transformed from a local COVID-19 drive-thru testing site in Houston, to a full-fledged B2B company in a matter of months (thanks to Bloom’s central goal of democratizing the availability of healthcare in the workplace at a time when communities needed it most).


Press coverage was a vital component to establish Bloom Health Partners in the marketplace. It was an opportunity to get them in front of a broad audience and increase credibility, trust, and recognition.

And the results are in...

We integrated Bloom Health Partners executives and board memories in key advisory taskforce efforts to further underscore Bloom’s credibility and thought leadership positioning, as well as highlight Bloom’s dedication to supporting industries and communities in need.

Bloom became the voice to advocate why it’s never been more important for companies to prioritize workplace safety and healthcare preparedness.

This 4 month's transitional push resulted in a concrete strategy for their sales/marketing materials and investor pitch deck. The PR resulted in 23 pieces of coverage, a reach of 447 M impressions including Fast Company, Entrepreneur Magazine and Inc.

Pieces of coverage
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